Trans fat increases risk of death by 34%

Contrary to earlier knowledge, a study finds that a reasonable amount of saturated fat in the diet does not pose much risk to heart attacks or strokes but trans fat ups the risk by death by 34%.

Dietary guidelines recommend that saturated fats found in animal products like butter, egg yolk and salmon make up around 10% of daily calories.

Trans unsaturated fats, known as trans fats (example – the hydrogenated oils that increase shelf life of processed foods and margarine) are primarily industrially produced and should provide no more than 1% of daily calories.

Consuming industrial trans fats was associated with a 34% increase in mortality due to all causes, 28% increased risk of death due to heart disease and a 21% increase in the risk of heart disease, said the researchers of the study conducted by several Canadian institutions including the McMaster University in Ontario.

Written by: Dr. Ajay Sati.


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