Should I take Vitamins on my own
Although it may be a good idea to gulp vitamins pills on your own, nonetheless, be careful about what you gulp and how much.
Vitamins are taken by individuals on their own to compensate for an unhealthy lifestyle or to maximize health or performance.
It is no secret that in a white-collar office-goer, vitamin B and D deficiency has taken epidemic proportions. This is due to lack of sun exposure and a rich diet poor in nutrition.
Taking vitamins in this modern era has become almost necessary as most of us do not eat the kinds of foods that can provide us enough of our daily doses. This is because we are not only eating out more frequently but eating the wrong right foods in large quantities and right foods in lesser amounts. We are also confining ourselves to indoor environments (office or home) thus getting no sun exposure.
However, vitamin intake if taken under medical supervision will avoid overdose as your doctor will start the medication after checking the vitamin levels. For all you know, it may not be necessary for you to take the vitamin.
Remember, intake of excess vitamin pills is harmful.