Even ‘healthy’ breakfast biscuits contain too much sugar
According to a new research, ‘healthy’ breakfast biscuits contain more sugar than a bowl of Kellogg’s Coco Pops.
Nutritionist Kawther Hashem, of Action on Sugar, said: ‘Just because a product contains added vitamins and is promoted as a healthy option doesn’t necessarily make it the best option for breakfast on-the- go.’
‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; choose it wisely and don’t be misled into buying products that are convenient but not entirely healthy.’
‘We recommend you make informed food switches such as choosing wholegrain breakfast cereals low in salt and sugar.’
‘Add fresh fruit to increase its nutritional value’.
‘If we really want the health of the nation to improve the food industry needs to produce and promote healthier breakfast options that are lower in sugar and higher in fibre with accurate front of pack nutrition labeling.’
Next time you buy breakfast biscuits, don’t assume they are healthy; check the labels and buy !