Emotions that decrease inflamation

According to a recent study certain emotions lower inflammation, and therefore, disease levels as well.

It is known that there is a link between being happy and levels of inflammation.

In a small study, published in the journal Emotion, it was found that people who experience range of positive emotions might reduce systemic inflammation in their bodies, which could reduce their risk of chronic diseases.

What are the positive emotions that may reduce inflammation – as inflammation is now being considered as root cause of most diseases – knowing them will help manage diseases, particularly as we age!

Lower levels of inflammation are critical in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. It’s believed that an overactive immune system is what causes inflammation. Certain foods and environmental toxins build up in the body, stimulating your immune system. In turn, it unleashes defense cells and hormones on the body.

But because you’re not fighting the common cold, the immune system remains on high alert and in high activity, damaging tissues in the process.

Chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, asthma and Crohn’s disease are all linked to inflammation in the body. By reducing inflammation, we lower the risk of getting these diseases. And if emotions lower inflammation, then even better, as it’s a natural way of tackling this issue.

Developing emotions that lower inflammation:

  1. Take anti-inflammatory food in diet
  2. Meditation
  3. Yoga
  4. Setting goals
  5. Be happy
  • In this research for the first time, it was identified that there’s a link between not just positive feelings, but a range of them, and reduced inflammation.
  • Reducing inflammation leads to a lower risk of chronic disease.
  • 16 different positive emotions were looked into: enthusiastic, interested, determined, excited, amused, inspired, alert, active, strong, proud, attentive, happy, relaxed, cheerful, at ease, calm­.
  • Experiencing a wide range of these emotions lead to less inflammation than groups that had a smaller range of emotions, negative or positive.
  • Negative emotions didn’t elicit the same response; that is, feeling a range of negative emotions won’t lead to more inflammation.
  • Through activities like adding more anti-inflammatory foods to your diet, engaging in prayer or meditation and practicing yoga can help you cultivate a variety of positive emotions naturally.
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