Cow’s milk and muscle building

Cow’s milk may be a good choice for humans who intend to drink milk. This is because cow’s milk is designed to help baby cow grow fast, which is why if humans who want to build muscle and grow fast, cow’s milk should help.

Cow’s milk is a great source of high-quality protein, containing all of the essential amino acids. Besides protein, whole milk is also a rich source of energy as it contains saturated fat, which prevents muscle mass being used for energy.

If lean muscle mass has to be preserved or increased sufficient dietary protein is needed and the protein found in milk can support muscle growth and repair.

Recent analysis of over 20 clinical trials suggested that an increased milk intake can boost muscle mass and strength during resistance exercise in both younger and older adults, as reported in Today’s Dietitian.

However, studies indicate that cow’s milk does not seem to help lose weight.

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