Adopt French way of life to live healthy

What do the French do that we must try to adopt to have a healthy long life. The French are also fitter and slimmer than their European counterparts.

1. Eat slowly: Urban folks eat fast and are always short of time. But the French enjoys whatever is being eaten and takes his/her own time.

2. Eat less: The French also eat less each time though they might eat many times in a day.

3. Have variety of food-types: Step out of your comfort foods and try varieties. Mediterranean Diet is recommended.

4. Wine Red: The French live long and healthy compared to their European counterparts; and they love their red wine dinner after dinner.

5. Avoid processed foods: Because processed foods contain high content of salt, sugar and/or trans fatty acids, the French diet is based on cheese and cream, something that the human body can easily metabolise.

6. Walk: The French walk and hardly rely on cars whether it is to do groceries or to reach to work. They also do a lot of biking and stair walking.

7. De-stress: Vacation is not the only or the best way to destress. The French would rather focus on the 3Fs – family, food and friends.

Written by Dr. Ajay Sati.

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