A clove for a toothache

Most of us are aware that a clove is useful in case of a toothache. But we often tend to forget about it. Not to undermine the fact that most toothaches occur when Dentists have closed shop for the day.

Having cloves at home comes in handy to tide over the next few hours till you meet your Dentist.

Ideally, clove oil dabbed in a cotton ball and kept over the sore tooth helps. If you don’t have clove oil but have cloves you could use that too by placing one over the sore tooth and biting it gently.

And remember, even if the pain disappears do not forget to see the Dentist as soon as you can. The toothache may recur and maybe with more severity than the clove will be able to deal with.

Written by Dr. Ajay Sati.

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