Secret to live 100 years
For the first time, a team of scientists from Newcastle University’s Institute for Ageing (NUIA) and Kelo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, explored which biological and pathological processes may be the most important for successful ageing after 100 years of age.
They identified that to live around 100 years one must keep inflammation down in the body and telomeres long. Telomeres are part of human cells that affect how our cells age.
Severe inflammation is part of many diseases in the old, such as diabetes or diseases attacking the bones or body’s joint, and chronic inflammation can develop from any of them.
Simply put, people those who successfully age to 100 years are the ones who age slowly. ‘They can ward off diseases for much longer than the general population,’ said Professor Thomas von Zglinicki from Newcastle University’s Institute for Ageing.
Written by: Dr. Ajay Sati.