Water of Ganga river can treat infections

The river Ganga or Ganges as it is called may have the reputation of being polluted; yet the river has unusual healing properties.

Until now, these healing properties were believed to be a myth.

It’s no more a myth – as scientists from the Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH), Chandigarh, have for the first time confirmed by providing scientific evidence that the water of Ganga does not putrefy easily.

IMTECH, one of the laboratories of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, have identified new viruses, or bacteriophages, which mimic bacteria in the sediment of the river and eat them up.

All this while scientists across the world have been baffled by the antiseptic properties of the Ganga’s water.

In 1896, E Hanbury Hankin, a British physician, was the first to ob serve that cholera microbes died within three hours in Ganga water, but continued to thrive in distilled water even after 48 hours.

It remained hypothetical until experts found the new viruses, which make the water a disinfectant.

The study has revealed 20 to 25 types of bacteriophages in the river, which can fight microorganisms that cause tuberculosis, pneumonia, cholera and urinary tract infection, among others.

‘We analyzed the viral metagenomes from the sediments of the Ganga and found out different types of phages,’ said Dr Shanmugam Mayilraj, senior principal scientist and professor at IMETCH.

Dr Shanmugam Mayilraj said the fresh water sediments from Ganga house several novel viruses, which were never reported earlier. These are active against certain bacterial strains and can be used against multi-drug resistant infections.

The IMTECH team has already collected samples during pre-monsoon and post-monsoon period from the Haridwar to Varanasi stretch.

They would now collect water samples from Yamuna and Narmada rivers to see how the Ganga is different.

If nothing works, one may try the Ganga river water to heal thyself; however check the authenticity of the water!

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