How to keep your mind sharp

Be on the move: Exercise – should I or anyone say anything more on exercise. When you exercise, apart from improving physical fitness you are also improving your mental fitness.
Eat well: The brain is sensitive to too much or too little energy. It is best to eat all food types (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) 5 to 6 times a day rather than eat one food type in large quantities.
Sleep well: Whatever be your routine, find time to sleep at least 6 hours daily.
Take life easy: It is good to work hard but party and play as well. Let loose your hair often.
Challenge yourself: It is good for your brain if you challenge yourself by indulging in puzzles, riddles, crooswords, etc.
Be fishy: Eating fish is beneficial as they contain Omega-3 fatty acids. Vegetarians can have Omega-3 fatty acids obtained from flax seeds.
Sip coffee: Two cups of coffee may prevent cognitive decline and reduce the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease by around 50 %.
Say no to brain tonics: Do not be under the impression that brain tonics will make you sharper. Avoid them; instead depend on natural things as stated above.
Written by Dr. Ajay Sati.