Child’s vocabulary and your wellness !
Children can be a source of great joy or stress depending on how they perform in school.
A new research says that kids with good vocabulary are good at studies.
Paul Morgan from Pennsylvania State University says, ‘Parents who are stressed, overburdened, and who experience less social support may talk, read, or otherwise interact with their children less, resulting in their children acquiring smaller oral vocabularies.’
They evaluated whether two-year olds with larger oral vocabularies achieved more academically and functioned at optimal levels behaviourally when they later entered kindergarten. Gaps in oral vocabulary were evident between specific groups of children as young as age two, with children from higher-income families, females, and those experiencing higher-quality parenting having larger oral vocabularies than their peers.
When the researchers examined the children three years later, they found that children who had a larger oral vocabulary at age two were better prepared academically and behaviourally for kindergarten.
Taking efforts early on in improving your child’s vocabulary will make him or her good at studies, relieving you of the stress and thus improving in your own wellness state.
Written by: Dr. Ajay Sati.